Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Lots has been happening in my life lately as I feel like I'm at a bit of a crossroads. This quote has kept me going through these times though:

"Maybe all one can do 
is hope to end up with the
right regrets"
                             Arthur Miller      

I believe everything happens for a reason so in a way don't really believe in regret. But if they are the 'right' regrets, they're really more aptly described as the right decisions. Do you believe in regret?


  1. I'm from the same school of thought - I also believe everything happens for a reason (quesera sera) and I don't really believe in regret. I mean, sure, regret something for 5 minutes and then turn it into something constructive and learn from it and move on.

    Hope you're ok :)


  2. Thanks for asking and always stopping by my blog! Things have been very busy but hopefully things will work out :) Appreciate you leaving a comment though!
