Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to Work

This is me today...

Because I have to go back to work tomorrow after a few weeks off for Christmas! Sad :( Anyway, this time of the year is really hectic for me workwise so I'll be on a little bit of a blogging hibernation. I've got some posts scheduled and I'll still try and post twice a week but if you don't hear from me for a while you know why!


  1. That is me as well :( Just realised u're on Twitter. Gonna follow you :)

    1. Oh yay I followed you too! I hardly tweet, though I have thoughts practically daily that I think to myself 'I really should tweet these instead of overloading my poor fb friends'

  2. Hehehe I love that pic. That's me as well, except I start sensing dread when I wake up on Sunday morning

    1. So right, I'm always glum for the whole of Sunday! I don't know how people do it, when they enjoy their weekend right up until Sunday 9pm and then start worrying about work. I always feel like my weekends are really just Saturdays :(
